Following a successful non-binding phase in 2023, the independent transmission system operator ICGB has initiated the binding phase of the incremental capacity process for the Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (IGB), the ICGB told Trend.
As part of the Vertical Gas Corridor initiative, which unites the TSOs of Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Ukraine, Moldova, and Slovakia, ICGB’s efforts are focused on enabling increased capacity options for natural gas deliveries to Central and Southeastern Europe, as well as Ukraine and Moldova.
Jointly with adjacent TSOs, ICGB has published notices to initiate the binding phase, which will determine the market’s binding interest in booking the IGB pipeline’s incremental capacity. Currently operating at 3 bcm/y, the interconnector between Greece and Bulgaria can be upgraded to 5 bcm/y upon the successful completion of the respective procedure.
ICGB invites all interested parties to submit their registration documents by June 24, 2024, and binding bids during the bid submission window between July 2 and July 12, 2024. Subsequent steps of the binding phase will continue in the following months, with results expected in September 2024.
The IGB gas pipeline connects with the Greek national gas transmission system (DESFA S.A.) and the Trans-Adriatic gas pipeline (TAP AG) in the area of Komotini (Greece), and with the Bulgarian gas transmission system (Bulgartransgaz EAD) in the area of Stara Zagora.
The total length of the gas pipeline is 182 km, the diameter of the pipe – 32” – and a design capacity of up to 3 bcm per year in the direction Greece – Bulgaria.
Depending on the market interest for larger capacity and the possibilities of the neighboring gas transmission systems, the capacity of IGB is designed with the option for increase up to 5 billion cubic meters per year with additional construction of a compressor station.