Caspian gas supplies to Europe set a new record. The “Southern Gas Corridor” from Azerbaijan is operating at overdesign capacity.
On July 26, the Trans Adriatic Gas Pipeline (TAP), which is the European part of the “Southern Gas Corridor” from Azerbaijan, set a new record for gas supplies. They have grown to 37 million cubic meters (mcm) per day. The previous record was also set in July – 36 mcm. On an annualized basis, the new level of supplies may reach 13.5 bcm, while the design and planned for this year is 10 bcm.
Earlier, the European Commission and Azerbaijan signed a memorandum on strategic partnership in the energy sector. Brussels expects that supplies of Caspian gas by 2027 will double compared to 2021. At the same time, Baku is counting on investments in production and expansion of infrastructure.
Average daily deliveries via the Southern Gas Corridor to Europe this year, according to ENTSOG, are 32 mcm per day. By the end of the year, Europe can receive an additional 3-4 bcm.