ICGB opened publicly the price offers in the tender for construction of the interconnector with Greece
Today in the office of the project company ICGB AD was held a public meeting for opening of the price offers submitted in the procedure for design, procurement and construction (EPC) of the gas interconnector Greece – Bulgaria. The estimated value of the public procurement is set as a total price of EUR 145 million excluding VAT and the deadline for completing the construction is 18 months after the start of the contract.
Over 10 Bulgarian and foreign companies and consortia expressed interest in the public procurement and submitted documents in the first phase of the procedure. The tender is conducted as a restricted procedure, meaning that only five candidates can proceed to the second phase and submit offers. The admitted candidates invited for phase two are as follows:
- DZZD “IGB-2018”
- Consortium Spiecapag Trace IGB 2018
- J&P – AVAX S.A
- Joint Venture CPP-AKTOR
Offers were received from two of the invited candidates – DZZD IGB – 2018 and J&P – AVAX S.A. Both offers meet the requirements and the pre-announced conditions for the execution of the contract and are admitted to technical evaluation. During today’s public opening of the price offers it became clear that DZZD IGB – 2018 has offered a price of EUR 229 700 000 VAT excluding VAT. The proposal of J&P – AVAX S.A. is for EUR 144 850 000 excluding VAT.
After today’s opening of the price offers, a complex evaluation is to be carried out, after which the contracting authority will announce the final ranking and the participant selected as a contractor.
Given the schedule for realization of the IGB project, the contractor is to be announced by the middle of May. All information on admission, evaluation, ranking, and award of the public procurement will be promptly announced on the ICGB’s website under the Buyer’s Profile section of the relevant procedure’s dossier.
The IGB Project (Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria) is being implemented by the joint venture company ICGB AD, registered in Bulgaria in 2011, with shareholders BEH EAD (50%) and IGI Poseidon (50%). The co-shareholder IGI Poseidon is a company, registered in Greece, with shareholders being the Greek public gas corporation DEPA SA (50%) and the Italian energy group Edison SpA (50%).
In accordance with its Statute, ICGB AD will be the owner of the IGB gas pipeline and will finance its realization, will allocate its capacity and will receive the revenue from the transportation of natural gas.
The IGB gas pipeline will be connected with the Greek national gas transmission system in the area of Komotini and with the Bulgarian national gas transmission system in the area of Stara Zagora. The planned length of the pipeline is 182 km, the pipeline diameter will be 32” and the projected capacity will be up to 3 bcm/y in the direction from Greece to Bulgaria. Depending on the interest from the market and the capacities of the neighboring gas transmission systems, the pipeline is designed for increasing its capacity up to 5 bcm/y for following up the market evolution thus allowing physical reverse flow (from Bulgaria to Greece) with the additional installation of a compressor station. A Memorandum for cooperation between ICGB AD and TAP AG has been signed concerning joint actions in relation to future connection between the IGB pipeline and the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline.