ERIELL, an international oilfield services group, presents information on production indicators achieved in the first half of 2021 and upcoming projects.
Despite the ongoing global economic challenges, ERIELL once again demonstrated its resilience and effectiveness having achieved new records on the most complex projects and carried out large-scale mobilizations.
Vitaly Dokunikhin, First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of ERIELL Group, General Director of ERIELL NEFTEGAZSERVICE LLC:
“We are pleased with the results of the company for the first half of 2021. We have achieved the planned indicators, updated several records, received thanks from customers, and successfully implemented 18 mobilizations, 16 of which took place simultaneously.
In six months ERIELL has constructed 159 wells and drilled 582,951 meters (including 400,000 meters, which were drilled in Russia).
While ERIELL projects are still mainly concentrated in Uzbekistan and Russia , we also plan to develop business in the Gulf region. In August, we will resume work on international projects and start drilling at the Garraf field in Iraq.”
In Uzbekistan, the largest and most complex project is still the Mustakillikning 25 Yilligi project. In the first half, a record ROP was achieved when drilling with a 444.5 mm bit and daily meterage was 362 m.
Within the framework of the ‘Program of Measures to Increase the Production of Hydrocarbon Raw Materials for 2017-2021’ for the development of the fields of Uzbekneftegaz JSC, 52 gas pipelines were put into operation, three gas collector pipelines were made ready for operation, the improvement of nine wells was completed and 56 wells were connected to electrochemical protection.
In April, a new contract was signed with the Uz-Kor Gas Chemical JV LLC, according to which 25 wells were overhauled in the first half.
The overhaul of eight wells was also carried out for JV LLC Natural Gas-Stream and four wells completed, after which a good flow of gas was obtained. For LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company, work was carried out to overhaul four out of 11 wells.
In Russia, ERIELL continues to work for three main customers: Gazprom, NOVATEK and Gazprom Neft. Production drilling on complex gas projects in the Arctic in the area of the Yamal and Gydan peninsulas comprises the largest part of the portfolio. About 90% of the drilling rigs operating in Russia are heavy rigs with a lifting capacity of more than 320 tons, four of which are specially designed to work in the harsh Arctic conditions.
ERIELL continued to work at the Urengoyskoye and Medvezhye oil and gas condensate fields of the Gazprom group, where it built three production wells of increased complexity, including the Achimov horizons.
In the period, ERIELL built 28 production and exploration wells on gas projects of NOVATEK.
At the Utrennee oil and gas condensate field (“Arctic LNG 2” – NOVATEK project for the production of natural gas and for the production of liquefied natural gas):
- For the first time, when cementing the technical casing of well No. 211, 100% quality of contact with the casing and the rock was obtained in the interval of normal density cement slurry; and
- The quality factor according to the Rosneft method was 1, which became possible due to the cement slurry formulations developed by the technological service and specialists of the well cementing shop
At the Urengoyskoye oil and gas condensate field (“Arcticgas”) – the longest ERIELL project in Russia:
- A liner with 20 MSHF sleeves was successfully run into the horizontal wellbore of a sub-horizontal well 1,500 m long;
- For the first time on the project, MDT work was successfully carried out in the deviated pilot wellbore of the Achimov deposits. The zenith angle in the study interval is 56 degrees
ERIELL has drilled over 50 wells for Gazprom Neft at the Vostochno-Messoyakhskoye, Tazovskoye and Novoportovskoye fields.
At the Tazovskoye oil and gas condensate field (Meretoyakhaneftegaz):
- Horizontal well No. 7107 (2,000 m + pilot borehole) was built with an absolute record rate of days / 1,000 meters for this type of wells – 3.39 (17.75 days) and penetration rate of 5,228 m, of which the length of the horizontal borehole was 2,046 m; and
- The best result in terms of drilling speed has been achieved since the start of well construction at the Tazovskoye oil and gas condensate field (since 2017)
At the Messoyakhaneftegaz project, ERIELL was praised by its client for a special contribution to the development of partnerships, effective solutions for operational and strategic tasks, plus high adherence to industrial safety requirements.
In addition to the operational achievements in drilling, ERIELL carried out 18 mobilizations of drilling equipment, 16 of which took place simultaneously.
One of the features of work in the Arctic is the need for complex and lengthy mobilizations in a short time by different modes of transport, including along the Northern Sea Route and temporary winter roads. The largest mobilization carried out in 2021 was the transportation of the ZJ-70 DBS drilling rig and equipment weighing 12 tons in three months from Novy Urengoy, Abakan and Yekaterinburg through the port of Arkhangelsk to Salman. The total distance was 12,000 km. This is the third major mobilization successfully organized and carried out by ERIELL in Russia.
Vitaly Dokunikhin, First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of ERIELL Group, General Director of ERIELL NEFTEGAZSERVICE LLC, added:
“It is very gratifying that improvements in our performance, efficiency and quality of service are continually being acknowledged by our customers. We constantly seek ways to meet and exceed our clients’ expectations.”