For the three quarters of 2020, operating expenses for the South Caucasus Pipeline (SCG) project totaled $ 35 million, $ 2 million, or 6.06% more than 2019
Report says, citing BP-Azerbaijan, during this period, capital expenditures for the project activities amounted to $ 8 million, which is 20 million US dollars or 3.5 times less than the same indicator for the previous year.
During the first nine months of this year, the SCP’s average daily capacity was 32.6 million cubic meters, 4.6 million cubic meters, or 16.4% more than in the third quarter of 2019.
The SCP commissioned in late 2006 supplies Shah Deniz gas to Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey, while the SCP began delivering commercial gas to Turkey in June 2018.
Notably, the main shareholders of SCP are BP (28.8%), AzSCP (10%), SGC Midstream (6.7%), Petronas (15.5%), LUKoil (10%), NICO (10%), TPAO (19%).