Each country involved into the South Gas Corridor project must safeguard its safety, Marosh Shefchovich, European Commission Vice President for Energy Union, told journalists on February 12, 2015.
He said at the moment the South Gas Corridor is a priority for Europe.
Shefchovich added that today participants of the first session of the Consultative Council of the South Gas Corridor have discussed the issues of further advancement of the project and the problems, which could arise during its implementation.
He said the South Gas Corridor is a big and complex project and all countries and companies must establish a close cooperation for its implementation.
“Today’s meeting was useful and successful. Specialists of BP and other companies have explained the difficulties that might arise during the project implementation. We have agreed that we will work on the plan of actions, which will be worked out by the European Commission through cooperation with all the Ministers. For EU the South Gas Corridor is the only project, on which we have been working now,” said EC Vice President.
* The length of the South Gas Corridor from the Caspian Sea coast to Italy is about 3600 km. The pipeline route lies through the territories of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Greece, Albania and Italy.