From January to October 2014 gas production in Russia decreased by 5.2% against the same period in 2013 and totaled 516,685,000,000 cub.m., according to the Russian Central Dispatcher Department of the Fuel-Energy Complex. In October 2014 Russia prodiced 53,093,000,000 cub..m. of gas. Durign 10 months Gasprom peoduyced 346,672,000,000 cub.m. of gas.
In October 2014 the concern extracetd 34,950,000,000 cub.m. of gas.
From January to October 2014 nNovatec, one of the biggest independent gas makers, extracted 44,656,000,000 cub.m. of gas (in October – 4,476,000,000 cub.m.). Other oil and gas extracting companeis produced 35,967,000,000 cub.m. (3,983,000,000 cub.m.) and PSA operators – 22,862,000,000 cub.m. (2,241,000,000 cub.m.)
During 10 months the biggest gas volume was produced by Rosneft – 30,130,000,000 cub.m. (3,495,000,000 cub.m. in October), LUKoil – 15,421,000,000 cub.m. (1,633,000,000 cub.m.), Surgutneftegas – 7,794,000,000 cub.m. (807,000,000 cub.m.) and Gasprom Neft – 9,703,000,000 cub.m. (1,103,000,000 cub.m.).