In February 2014 Russia increased gas production by 0.3% against the same period last year up to 57,770,000,000 cub.m., according to the Russian Central Dispatcher Department of the fuel-energy complex.
Gasprom reduced production by 1% to 42.2 billion cub.m. However, last month the corporation increased gas export to Far Abroad by 6.3% against the same period in 2013 to 12,018 billion cub.m. Gasprom’s deliveries to Near Abroad decreased by 9% to 4.2 billion cub.m.
However, independent gas makers increased production, in particular NOVATEC – by 2.5% to 4,971,000,000 cub.m. and Rosneft by 2.3% up to 4 billion cub.m.
In February 2014 gas consumption inside Russia increased by 3.8% up to 48.1 billion cub.m., reported ITAR-TACC.