Position: OPERATOR 1
Overall Purpose of the Job:(State briefly why the job exists)
To run subsea equipment offshore to allow the Client to conduct successful, safe operations.
Typical operations include running Completions, Interventions with Wireline/Coil Tubing and Well Testing.
Principal Accountabilities: (Describe the important end results of the job, i.e., what has to be achieved and why. Start with the most important and number each one separately)) |
Carry out operations with team members ensuring safe completion of the operational task with prevention of technical issues in line with the Operating manual. Undertake checks on all equipment for their compliance with Expro’s policies, standards and procedures and ensure they are technically correct for the operation being carried out. Attend and participate in tool box talks and planning meetings when required. May be required to work at onshore bases in the preparation and return of equipment. Liaise with clients representatives when required in a professional manner ensuring quality of service to client. Liaise with offshore Supervisor, team members, and operations department as and when required to ensure all aspects of the operations are discussed as required with the relevant parties to ensure effective communication to achieve safe operations and task completion. Ensure completion of required documentation for company procedures, processes and specific client’s requirements. Actively work with subordinates to share knowledge to assist with their competency progression when required Work with colleagues and Supervisor to complete required competencies for current and next role Actively work with subordinates to share knowledge to assist with their competency progression when required |
Dimensions: (Record any significant quantities on which job has some effect, e.g. budget or turnover, records processed, employees supervised. Where appropriate, express annual figures and indicate the year to which they relate. |
Client Satisfaction – award of contracts Damage to Equipment – spares budget Client Service Records – turnover |
Job Context and Main Activities: (Outline the context in which the job operates and record the types of activity involved in achieving principal accountabilities: |
Advance career by successfully completing the relevant training courses provided. Tool preparation includes taking stock of equipment, redressing and testing of equipment and visual inspection. Spaceouts should be performed and double checked. Close liaison with Client ensures tasks are completed to their satisfaction. Time should be spent, where appropriate, to ensure all parties are aware of what is required of them and full understanding of events are in place. Site inspections to be completed on arrival on every location. Review risk assessments for task in hand and generate new assessments where required. Participate in Toolbox Talks prior to commencement of activities. |
Decision making Authority/Level of Supervision Required: |
Decisions that endanger tool success or incur ‘down time’ due to pooh should be left to supervisory staff onshore. Expro procedures should be followed at all times where appropriate i.e QA procedures manuals or subsea operations manuals. Decisions that affect the safety of operations or tool reworks should be left to supervisory staff onshore. |
Relationships: (Who are the job holder’s most important contacts and for what purpose? Consider both external and internal contacts, excluding immediate supervisor and subordinates, but including personnel at other locations , if appropriate) |
Subsea Service Lead – advise on operations Company Representative – client liaison Operations Support Engineer – Technical support Learning & Development Specialist – Training Assistant Subsea Operators – assistance and delegation |
Job Challenges: (Identify the most complex or demanding aspects of the job) |
Working on offshore environment under pressure. Troubleshooting tool problems and finding practical, fast solution in difficult environment. Keeping a level head during times of difficulties. Dealing with Clients in a professional manner. Successful completion of training courses. |
Job Knowledge and Qualifications: (Indicate minimum knowledge and essential background qualifications necessary to perform the job competently) |
Understanding of Basic Tools and Procedures with Regard to Function, Testing, Troubleshooting and Safe Practices Good Communication Skills Self Motivated/Disciplined Hard Working and Tenacious Ability to Work Under Pressure for Long Hours |
Competencies (Technical skills, behavioural competencies, specialized training or Defined Competencies as outlined in Expro Competence & Training System) |
Must successfully complete all the relevant competency grades before progressing to the next level. |
Compliance: |
Expro has delivered a Code of Conduct (‘the Code’) which will help guide you in your job and ensure that employees and the Company comply with the law. The incumbent must read, understand and comply with the Code as well as the more detailed rules contained in supporting directives and policies. Please refer to the Expro Intranet to access details of the full Code of Conduct. If you do not have intranet access please refer to your Supervisor who will assist you with access. The incumbent must be aware that failure to comply with the Code, or indeed any of the Company Policies, Standards, Procedures or Processes may lead to Disciplinary action. |
Health and Safety: Please highlight if the role is a Safety Critical Position as per the following definition: A role is defined as Safety Critical where Employees, through any improper use of substances (as defined by the Substance Abuse Policy) may affect the health and safety of themselves and/or their colleagues in their work area. |
Safety Critical Role – Yes/No (Please delete as appropriate) Note must be completed and must be the same as that stated on the contract of employment. All Employees As a minimum the incumbent must: take reasonable care to prevent harm to themselvesconsider the potential for harm to others or the environment that may be caused by their acts or omissionswork in accordance with information and training providedrefrain from intentionally misusing or recklessly interfering with anything that has been provided for Health, Safety and Environment reasonsreport any hazardous defects in plant, equipment and workplace, or shortcomings in the existing controls, to a responsible person without delaynot undertake any task for which authorisation and/or training has not been given. Responsibilities of Managers and Supervisors The incumbent is responsible for ensuring that the QHSE Management System is implemented within the operations under their control. The incumbent must actively monitor the workplace to ensure that acceptable standards are maintained. Where risks are identified the incumbent must ensure that these risks are controlled, so far as is reasonably practicable. The incumbent’s duties include: ensuring that employees, contractors and visitors are aware of relevant QHSE proceduresestablishing that all equipment, plant and substances used are suitable for the task and are kept in good working condition: this includes the regular maintenance and servicing of equipmentproviding adequate training, information, instruction and supervision to ensure that work is conducted without harm to people or the environmenttaking immediate and appropriate steps to investigate and rectify any risks to people environment/equipment and quality arising from the work activitybringing to the prompt attention of project management any QHSE issue that requires their attentionensuring that all incidents are properly recorded and reported and that an investigation is carried out to establish and rectify root causesactively participating in the QHSE management system. |
Contact e-mail: [email protected]