“14 companies from Alberta province of Canada expressed readiness to open their offices in Kazakhstan and invest into the country’s oil and gas and energy industries,” Laurent Auger, Director, Trade and Investment at Alberta Government, told a conference.
The Canadian delegation arrived in Almaty to take part in the KIOGE international exhibition. “Alberta is one of the ten provinces of Canada with well-developed oil and gas and energy sector. It is the world’s third-largest oil and gas producer that uses the latest technologies. We would like to show our opportunities in this industry and learn Kazakhstan’s practice within oil and gas cooperation. Our companies will probably want to open their offices in Kazakhstan as soon as they study the country’s practice,” Laurent Auger said.
The conference was organized by the Canada Eurasia Russia Business Association under the Kazakhstan-Canada Business Council. Kazakhstan’s Kazenergy Association signed a memo of cooperation in energy and oil and gas sector following the results of the event held.