In 2015 price of Brent oil will be $53.96 per barrel, reads the short-term forecast of the US Energy Information Agency (EIA).
Therefore, the price was reduced by $0.11 per barrel against the previous report of the EIA. The forecast for year 2016 remained $58.57 per barrel.
The forecast for year 2016 remained at $53.57 per barrel.
The Ministry has also changed the volume of oil production in the US in September. EIA expects that in September average volume of oil production will reduce by 120,000 barrels a day.
“According to the forecasts, oil production will continue declining till mid-2016 before the growth will resume at the end of 2016,” reads the statement.
EIA also confirmed the forecast of average volume of production in 2015 – 9.2 million barrels a day and in 2016 – 8.9 million barrels.