Azerbaijan Energy Ministry has determined the priority directions of long-term strategic development of the energy sector of the country, reads the Ministry’s statement.
It is planned to convert Azerenerji, Azerigas and Azerishig into the subjects of the market and establish the system of flexible rates.
“The goal of determination of priority directions is efficient use of all energy resources of the country (oil, natural gas, electric energy, water, sun, wind and biological wastes) and to make sure that these resources take part in the energy balance and in high pace of economic development,” reads the statement.
“In particular, it is planned to work out the strategy of development of the energy sector for 25-30 years and 15-20-year state program for efficient use of energy resources and energy efficiency of the final users, use of alternative sources of power and the state program for development of the Azerbaijani energy sector for five years,” reads the statement.
“In this connection we are going to work out some documents, including the law on regulated local electric energy market, the law on regulated local natural gas market, the law on independent regulator to regulate internal energy markets (electric energy and natural gas) as well as the network codes on electric energy and natural gas,” reads the statement.
It is also planned to improve the structure of subjects of the market and tariff policy. In particular, it is planned to convert Azerenerji, Azerigas and Azerishig into the subjects of the market and create a flexible tariff system reflecting interests of final users.