During 2013 losses in the power system of Azerbaijan totaled 3,280,600,000 kwh, reads the report of the Azerbaijan State Statistical Committee.
According to the same source, last year losses in the energy system of the country decreased by 2.58% or by 87,000,000 kwh.
During 2013 the country generated 23,354,400,000 kwh. Considering this data, losses in the energy system of the country constituted 14.05%.
In 2009 losses in the energy system of the country totaled 4,100,300,000 kwh, while power generation during a year totaled 18,869,100,000 kwh (losses – 21.3%)
* Electric energy sector in Azerbaijan is fully controlled by the state. Although on the post-Soviet space Azerbaijan occupies one of the leading places on retail power price, this sector still lacks a good market policy. Construction of almost all power stations, high voltage power lines and power distribution objects is also funded from the state budget.