In quarter 1, 2014 natural gas import to Ukraine declined by almost 14% against the same period last year and transit to the European countries via the Ukrainian gas transportation system decreased by 9.1%, reported Ukrtransgas.
“During quarter 1, 2014 natural gas import to Ukraine went down. From January to March 2014 the gas transportation system received 6.1 billion cub.m. of gas, almost down 14% against 2013. Last year it totaled 7.07 billion cub.m. of gas,” the company reported.
During March 2014 1.9 billion cub.m. of gas was imported, down 15% or 350 million cub.m. against the same period in 2013.
During quarter 1, 2014 17.68 billion cub.m of gas was transported to the Western Europe, down 9.1% against 2013. “All demands of the countries-importers were fulfilled in time and fully,” Ukrtransgas reported.