To the attention of vendors willing to participate in the tenders announced by the GL LTD and affiliated companies.
For prequalification, please use the relevant email to apply:
- for GL LTD (GL) – [email protected];
- for “Taghiyev Operating Company” (TOC) – [email protected];
- for “Salyan Oil Limited” (SOL) – [email protected].
Upon applying, you will be provided with prequalification documentation, which you are required to fill out, complete and return accordingly.
All applications for prequalification are subject to internal review, assessment, and due diligence. Submission of prequalification documents does not guarantee the right to be included in GL’s and affiliated companies’ tenders. This process is to ensure awareness for GL and affiliated companies of potential suppliers.
Prequalification does not guarantee your shortlisting for GL’s and affiliated companies’ tenders.