In July 2021, oil production in Azerbaijan amounted to 606 thousand b/d against 610 thousand b/d in June,the message of the Ministry of Energy of Azerbaijan.
“In July 2021, the daily production of oil with condensate in Azerbaijan amounted to 717 thousand barrels, of which 606 thousand barrels were used for oil production, 111 thousand barrels for condensate,” the ministry said.
As of July 2021, Azerbaijan’s oil production quota was 620,000 bpd. Thus, Azerbaijan fulfilled its obligations on oil production within the framework of the OPEC + deal in July by 102.3%.
By the decision adopted at the XV ministerial meeting on April 1, 2021, daily oil production in Azerbaijan in June should remain at the level of 610 thousand bpd, in July – 620 thousand bpd.
Caspian Barrel