Тhe national operator «KazTransGas» JSC on results of 2017 significantly increased its indicators in the main types of activity.
According to the audited reports, the consolidated income of «KazTransGas» JSC in 2017 was 662,4 billion tenge, which is by 77,5 billion tenge more than in 2016. At the same time, the net income of the group of companies of «KazTransGas» JSC for the reporting period amounted to 74,8 billion tenge, which is higher than the planned by 23 billion tenge.
During 2017, the National operator «KazTransGas» JSC and its subsidiaries paid taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget of the republic for a total of 60,3 billion tenge.
The national operator, as a socially-oriented company, delivers gas to the domestic market at a price below the cost price, subsidizing its cost for the population through other activities. The amount of subsidies of «KazTransGas» JSC from gas trading operations on the domestic market for 2017 was 57,6 billion tenge, and for the period 2015-2017 – 167,7 billion tenge.
The volume of gas transportation through main gas pipelines, compared with 2016, increased by 12.7 billion cubic meters and amounted to 100.9 billion cubic meters of gas. Whereas gas transportation for export increased by 34% to 17.7 billion cubic meters, domestic transportation increased by 1 billion cubic meters of gas and amounted to 17.4 billion cubic meters.
International transit amounted to 65.8 billion cubic meters of gas, more than last year, 7.5 billion cubic meters.
During 2017, the volume of transportation along the main gas pipelines of Intergas Central Asia JSC amounted to 76.6 billion cubic meters, of which the volume of international transit was 46.9 billion cubic meters, the volume of internal gas transportation was 12.9 billion cubic meters, gas transportation for export – 16.7 billion cubic meters.
National operator increased natural gas production from 327 million cubic meters in 2016, to 344 million cubic meters.
KazTransGas JSC is the main gas-energy and gas transportation company of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representing the interests of the state both on the domestic and foreign gas market. Company managing a centralised infrastructure for the transport of marketable gas through main gasline and gas distribution networks, provides international transit and sales of gas on the domestic and foreign markets.