Federal Antimonopoly authority of Germany (by the Bundeskartellamt) has approved the purchase of European partners (Wintershall, Shell, E. ON, ENGIE, OMV) of shares in the project company Nord Stream AG 2, said the regulator.
The decision dated December 18, reported Interfax.
Request for approval of the joint venture was forwarded to the Polish antitrust regulator, Urzad Regulacji Energetyki (URE).
Itself design 2 Nord Stream AG was established in Zug in July of the current year as a 100% group company “Gazprom”. Original name was New European Pipeline AG.
Earlier it was reported that five foreign partners receive 10% in the joint venture, Gazprom holds 50%.
The project “Nord stream 2” provides for the construction of 3 and 4 branches of the Baltic highway to increase its capacity to 110 billion cubic meters per year. Gas “Northern stream 2” should come to the Austrian Baumgarten, replacing the transit of gas through Ukraine.