By November 1, 2015 total number of customers of Azerigas, gas distribution company of State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR), reached 1,799,392.
SOCAR reported that from January to October 2015 68,111 new customers from the population category was registered, of which 24,904 ones are located in Baku, Sumgait and Absheron region and 43,207 ones in the regions.
In October 2015 Azerigas registered 7,778 new customers from the population category, of which 3,001 ones in Baku, Sumgait and Absheron region and 4,777 ones in the regions.
In October 2015 142,862,309 cub.m. of natural gas was sold to the population. In October 2015 payment of gas bills constituted 113.2% (considering payment of debts).
SOCAR reported that by October 1, 2015 125,590 families of internally displaced people are supplied with gas on the privileged conditions. Gas is supplied to 331 mosques and other religious objects in Azerbaijan free of charge.