From January to September 2015 Russian oil export dropped by almost 43% to $69,576,000,000 against the same period last year, according to the materials of the Russian Federal Customs Service.
During this period physical volume of oil export increased by 8.1% and totaled 179,929,000 tons against 166,399,000 tons a year earlier.
The main volume of oil export fell to the countries of Far Abroad: the cost of deliveries totaled $65,149,000,000 against $144,507,000,000 during the same period in 2014. The income from oil export to the CIS member-states dropped to $4,426,000,000 against $6,681,000,000 a year earlier.
Physical export to Far Abroad totaled 163,854,000 tons and to Near Abroad – 17 million tons of oil, reported