In January 2014 Russia’s income from oil products export increased by 7.4%, reported ITAR-TACC quoting the Federal Customs Service. In January 2014 11.24 million tons of oil products to a total amount of $8,119 billion was exported, while in January 2013 this index totaled 10 million tons and $7.56 billion, respectively.
In January 2014 export to Far Abroad totaled 10.02 million tons to the amount of $7.23 billion and to the CIS member-states – 1.22 million tons to the amount of $879 million. Of total volume petrol export totaled 341, 000 tons to the amount of $269.4 million and diesel fuel – 2.7 million tons to the amount of $2.5 billion.
In January 2014 Russia’s export in money terms decreased by 3.2% to $13.47 billion against January 2013. The physical volume of export decreased by 2.6% and totaled 18,107,000 tons.
The main volume of export fell to Far Abroad: cost of deliveries totaled $12,639 billion against $12,957 billion in January 2013 (-2.5%). The incomes from oil deliveries to the CIS dropped by 12.8% to $830.2 million against $951.7 million a year earlier, reported Russian Oil.